Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Round Two Matchups

(seeded based on round one team score)

1st Seed......... 436 – Ian (210) and Karrie (226)
vs 12th Seed... 254 – Jay (121) and Sandra (133)

2nd Seed....... 385 – Nicole (221) and Lance (164)
vs 11th Seed... 260 – Maxine (104) and Laura (156)

3rd Seed........ 330 - Pin Crushers (Josh-149/Dan-181)
vs 10th Seed... 271 – Susana (149) and Dan D (122)

4th Seed........ 324 – Ron (144) and Allegra (180)
vs 9th Seed.... 285 – Greg (148) and Yvonne (137)

5th Seed........ 322 – Brad (183) and Jackie (139)
vs 8th Seed.... 286 – Lynn (190) and Maria (96)

6th Seed........ 315 – Ryan W (180) and Karen P (135)
vs 7th Seed.... 299 – Carrie (173) and Sean (126)

*future rounds will be seeded based on cumulative score from previous rounds

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